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Creating Projects

Projects provide a way to organize AI workloads and resources under specific departments, with configurable priorities and resource allocations. Follow the steps below to create a new Project in the MemVerge AI platform and manage it from the Projects dashboard.

  1. Click “+ Create Project”

    • In the upper-right corner of the Projects dashboard, select + Create Project.
    • A Create Project dialog box will open.

    Create a Project

  2. Enter Project Details

    • Project Name: Specify a meaningful name for your project.
    • Department: Select the department that will own the project (e.g., corporate).
    • Priority: Choose a priority level (Lowest, Low, Medium, High, or Highest). This setting can influence how resources are scheduled if there is contention between projects in the same Department.
  3. Node Group Selection

    • In the Node Groups section, you will see a list of available Node Groups (e.g., ng-amd-23.49-nvidia-a10g-12.4).
    • Fractional GPU: Shows whether fractional GPU usage is enabled or disabled for the Node Group.
    • GPUs, CPU Cores, and Memory: Displays the total resources available in each Node Group.
    • Check the box next to any Node Groups that should be associated with this project.
  4. Changing the Node Group Priority & Setting Reserved Resource Values

    • When Node Groups are selected in in the "Node Groups" list, a new list appears below.
    • Changing Scheduling Order: If more than one Node Group is selected, drag and drop the Node Groups to define the order in which workloads will be assigned first. If the first node group doesn't have the resources required by the workloads, the scheduler will test the next node group in the list until either a node group satisfies the workload resource requirements, or all node groups have been tested. If no node group has the resources a workload requires at the time of creation, the workload will remain in the queue until such times that the resource requirements are met. At which time, the workload will be admitted into the cluster and executed.
    • Reserving Resources: Each selected node group has an option to reserve CPU cores, Memory, and GPUs. The default is zero(0), which allows user workloads running within this project to use any available resource. Reserving resources ensures the project has a minimum amount of resources for the workloads. If workloads consume more than the reserved, workloads may still run, but will use resources from any nodegroup, even those owned by another department. Charges may be applied, which can be seen in the Billing page.

    Changing Node Group Priority Ordering

  5. Confirm and Create

    • Click Create to finalize the new project.
    • If you decide not to proceed, select Cancel to dismiss the dialog without saving.
  6. View Project Details

    • After creation, the new Project appears in the Projects dashboard.
    • Columns such as Name, Priority, Department, GPU Reservation, CPU Reservation, Memory Reservation, Total Workload, and Actions give you an overview of the Project’s configuration.
  7. Modifying or Deleting a Project

    • To edit settings (if available), click the corresponding Actions icon or Edit button.
    • To delete, click the X (delete) icon under Actions, and confirm in the popup dialog.
  8. Add One or More Users to the Project

    • To allow users to access the Project resources for their workloads, the administrator must assign one or more users to the project. This is done in the **User Details* page and click "+ Add to Project". See Adding Users to Projects