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Managing Nodes and Node Groups

Objective: Quickly learn how to add, configure, and group nodes to meet your AI workload requirements. Adding and removing Nodes is out of scope of this quick start guide. Refer to the full documentation for managing cluster nodes for more information.

1. Creating Node Groups

  1. Open Node Groups View
  2. In Nodes and Node Groups, switch to the Node Groups tab.
  3. Click “+ New Node Group”
  4. Provide a descriptive name (e.g., HighPerformanceNG).
  5. Assign a department.
  6. Select Nodes
  7. Check the boxes for each node you want in the group.
  8. Confirm
  9. Click Create to finalize the Node Group.

2. Editing or Deleting Node Groups

  1. Locate the Node Group
  2. In the Node Groups list, find the row to edit or delete.
  3. Edit Node Group
  4. Use the edit pencil (if available) to update the name or assigned nodes.
  5. Delete Node Group
  6. Click the trash-can icon and confirm the deletion.

Congratulations! You have successfully tested creating and deleting Node Groups. If you encountered any challenges, consult the full documentation for deeper insights or troubleshooting tips.