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Modifying Projects

When your project requirements evolve - such as needing different resources, changing priorities, or reorganizing Node Groups — you can update an existing Project through the Edit Project dialog.

Accessing the Edit Dialog

  1. Open the Projects Dashboard

    • From the left navigation menu, select Projects.
    • Locate the row for the Project you want to modify.
  2. Click the Edit Icon

    • In the Actions column, click the pencil icon (or the equivalent edit button) next to the Project name.
    • This launches the Edit Project dialog box, where you can view and modify the Project’s current configurations.

    Edit Project

Editing Project Fields

Within the Edit Project dialog, you can modify the following:

  1. Project Name

    • Update the name to reflect the Project’s current purpose (e.g., ai-model-training).
  2. Department

    • Select a different Department if the Project now belongs under a different organizational unit (e.g., ai-development).
  3. Priority

    • Adjust the Priority slider (Lowest, Low, Medium, High, Highest) to control how workloads from this Project compete for resources when the cluster is heavily utilized.
  4. Node Groups

    • Check or uncheck boxes to add or remove Node Groups from the Project.
    • This governs which nodes are available to run workloads for the Project.
  5. Resource Reservation

    • For each Node Group, specify how many GPUs, CPUs, and how much Memory should be reserved for this Project.
    • This ensures that workloads under the Project have guaranteed access to essential resources.
  6. Drag-and-Drop to Reorder Node Groups

    • Use the drag handle (⋮⋮) beside each Node Group to drag and drop them in the desired sequence.
    • The order helps prioritize Node Group usage if multiple Node Groups are available.

Applying Changes

  1. Review Your Updates

    • Confirm that all fields (Name, Department, Priority, Node Groups, Resource Reservations) match your intended configuration.
  2. Click “Update”

    • After verifying your changes, click Update to apply them.
  3. Validate Changes

    • Back in the Projects dashboard, ensure the updated fields (e.g., new Project name, priority level, Node Group assignments) are correctly reflected.

Important Considerations

  • Active Workloads: If workloads are currently running under the Project, changing resource reservations or removing Node Groups may affect them. Ensure you understand how your changes will impact in-flight jobs.
  • Department Permissions: Moving a Project to another Department may require additional permissions. Check with your system administrator if you encounter access issues.
  • Reordering Node Groups: Keep in mind that the first Node Group in the list often receives scheduling priority if all groups have sufficient resources. Order them accordingly to match your operational needs.

You have successfully modified your Project settings. If you need more information on Project creation or deletion, refer to the Managing Projects section in the full admin guide.