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Creating the Cattle System Namespace and Docker Registry Secret

This step guides you through creating a dedicated namespace for the Cattle system and setting up a Docker registry secret. These steps are crucial for deploying and managing containerized applications within your K3s cluster.

Create the Cattle System Namespace

First, we'll create a namespace called cattle-system. This namespace will be used to organize and isolate resources related to the Cattle system.

kubectl create namespace cattle-system

Create a Docker Registry Secret

Next, we'll create a Docker registry secret in the cattle-system namespace. This secret allows the cluster to pull images from a private Docker registry.

kubectl create secret generic memverge-dockerconfig --namespace cattle-system \
  --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.config/helm/registry/config.json \

This command does the following:

  • Creates a secret named memverge-dockerconfig in the cattle-system namespace.
  • Uses the Docker configuration file located at $HOME/.config/helm/registry/config.json to populate the secret.
  • Sets the secret type as, which is specifically for Docker registry authentication.

Important Notes:

  1. Ensure that the Docker configuration file (config.json) exists in the specified path and contains valid credentials for your private Docker registry.
  2. The memverge-dockerconfig secret name is used in this example. You may need to adjust this name based on your specific requirements or naming conventions.
  3. This secret will be used by Kubernetes to pull images from your private registry when deploying applications in the cattle-system namespace.