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Install is installed using helm charts. These charts deploy and configure the following major components of

  • NVidia GPU Operator
  • NVidia DCGM Telemetry Exporter
  • NVidia GPU Drivers
  • Management/Control Plane
  • Workload Queuing and Prioritization
  • Metrics and Telemetry System
  • Billing - Read ''Configuring the Billing Database" for more information before installing

The management server is designed to be secure by default and requires SSL/TLS configuration. There are three recommended options for the source of the certificate used for TLS termination on the server:

  1. Self-Generated Certificate
  2. Let's Encrypt
  3. Bring Your Own Certificate

Choose the best option for your needs and environment.

Get the LoadBalancer IP Address or Hostname

Before proceeding you need to know the IP Address or Hostname of the LoadBalancer service. Use the following method to obtain this information using:

kubectl get services --all-namespaces | grep -E "NAMESPACE|LoadBalancer"


$ kubectl get services --all-namespaces | grep -E "NAMESPACE|LoadBalancer"
NAMESPACE      NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                  PORT(S)                   
kube-system    traefik   LoadBalancer,   80:32536/TCP,443:30099/TCP

If you need more detailed information about this specific LoadBalancer service, you can use:

kubectl describe service traefik -n kube-system

Using the EXTERNAL-IP, perform a name lookup

$ nslookup  name = mvai-mgmt.

In this example, mvai-mgmt is the hostname of the LoadBalancer.

Installing with a Self-Generated Certificate

The default is for to generate a CA and uses cert-manager to issue the certificate for access to the MMAI server interface. Use the following Helm command to install MMAI with a self-signed certificate:

helm install --namespace cattle-system mmai oci:// \
  --wait --timeout 20m \
  --version v0.3.0 \
  --set hostname=<load-balancer-hostname> \
  --set bootstrapPassword=admin

Command Options Explained:

  • --namespace cattle-system: Specifies the Kubernetes namespace where MMAI will be installed.

  • --wait: Instructs Helm to wait until all pods, PVCs, services, and minimum number of pods of a deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful.

  • --timeout 20m: Sets a 20-minute timeout for the installation process.
  • --version <version>: Specifies the version of the MMAI Helm chart to install. Replace <version> with the desired version number, e.g. v0.3.0.
  • --set hostname=<load-balancer-hostname>: Sets the hostname for accessing Ensure that the <load-balancer-hostname> is correctly set to match your cluster's ingress or load-balancer address. This should be the hostname of the management/control plane node.
  • --set bootstrapPassword=admin: Sets the initial admin password for MMAI. For security reasons, change this from "admin" to a strong, unique password.

Installing with Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate

This guides you through installing the MemVerge Memory AI (MMAI) software using a Helm chart, while simultaneously setting up automatic SSL certificate management with Let's Encrypt.

Use the following Helm command to install MMAI:

helm install --namespace cattle-system mmai oci:// \
  --wait --timeout 20m \
  --version v0.3.0 \
  --set hostname=<load-balancer-hostname> \
  --set bootstrapPassword=admin \
  --set ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt \
  --set<> \
  --set letsEncrypt.ingress.class=<ingress-controller-name>

Command Options Explained

  • --namespace cattle-system: Specifies the Kubernetes namespace where MMAI will be installed.
  • --wait: Instructs Helm to wait until all pods, PVCs, services, and minimum number of pods of a deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful.
  • --timeout 20m: Sets a 20-minute timeout for the installation process.
  • --version <version>: Specifies the version of the to install. Replace <version> with the desired version number, e.g: v0.3.0
  • --set hostname=<load-balancer-hostname>: Sets the hostname for accessing MMAI. Replace <load-balancer-hostname> with your actual hostname.
  • --set bootstrapPassword=<password>: Sets the initial admin password for You should change this to a secure password of your choice.
  • --set ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt: Configures the installation to use Let's Encrypt for SSL certificate management.
  • --set<>: Specifies the email address for Let's Encrypt notifications. Replace <> with a valid email address you can access. The email address provided for is used by Let's Encrypt for important communications about your certificates, including expiration notices and critical updates. Use a valid email address that you or your team can monitor.
  • --set letsEncrypt.ingress.class=<ingress-controller-name>: Specifies which ingress controller to use. Replace <ingress-controller-name> with the appropriate value for your cluster (e.g., "traefik", "nginx"). Use the value in the NAME column by running kubectl get ingressclasses

Here is an example command to install

helm install --namespace cattle-system mmai oci:// \
  --wait --timeout 20m \
  --version 0.3.0 \
  --set hostname=mvai-mgmt \
  --set bootstrapPassword=admin \
  --set ingress.tls.source=letsEncrypt \
  --set \
  --set letsEncrypt.ingress.class=traefik

Installing with Bring Your Own Certificate

In this option, Kubernetes secrets are created from your own certificates for to use.

Use one of the following Helm commands to install MMAI with your own certificate:

For standard certificates:

helm install --namespace cattle-system mmai oci:// \
  --wait --timeout 20m --version <version> \
  --set hostname=<load-balancer-hostname> --set bootstrapPassword=admin \
  --set ingress.tls.source=secret

For private CA-signed certificates:

helm install --namespace cattle-system mmai oci:// \
  --wait --timeout 20m --version <version> \
  --set hostname=<load-balancer-hostname> --set bootstrapPassword=admin \
  --set ingress.tls.source=secret --set privateCA=true

Command Options Explained:

  • --namespace cattle-system: Specifies the Kubernetes namespace where MMAI will be installed.
  • --wait: Instructs Helm to wait until all pods, PVCs, services, and minimum number of pods of a deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful.
  • --timeout 20m: Sets a 20-minute timeout for the installation process.
  • --version <version>: Specifies the version of the to install. Replace <version> with the desired version number, e.g. v0.3.0
  • --set hostname=<load-balancer-hostname>: Sets the hostname for accessing MMAI. Replace <load-balancer-hostname> with your actual hostname.
  • --set bootstrapPassword=admin: Sets the initial admin password for MMAI. For security reasons, change this from "admin" to a strong, unique password.
  • --set ingress.tls.source=secret: Configures the installation to use your own certificate stored as a Kubernetes secret.
  • --set privateCA=true: (Optional) Specifies that the certificate is signed by a private CA. If you're using a certificate signed by a private CA, include the --set privateCA=true option in your Helm command.

Now that MMAI is deployed, see Adding TLS Secrets to publish your certificate files so MMAI and the Ingress controller can use them.