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System Requirements

To ensure optimal performance and functionality of, please ensure your system meets or exceeds the following requirements. The simplest cluster has the entire Kubernetes control plane and worker node services running on the same machine. You can grow that environment by adding worker nodes. A single host will be sufficient if the cluster is meant to be available for a short trial period or can be discarded if something goes seriously wrong.

If you need a permanent, highly available cluster, consider ways of extending the control plane. By design, one-machine control plane services running on a single machine are not highly available. If keeping the cluster running and ensuring it can be repaired if something goes wrong is essential, refer to the recommended production requirements listed below.

Hardware Requirements

Supported GPUs

The following lists the GPUs supported by

  • NVidia
  • A100
  • H100
  • V100
  • A10
  • L40/L40s
  • NVidia Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) on GPUs that support this feature. For a complete list, see NVidia MIG Supported GPUs.

Supported CPU Architectures:

The following lists the supported CPU architectures by

  • x86/AMD64 from Intel or AMD

The following requirements are recommended for running proof-of-concept workloads: If there are two or more worker nodes, the control plane/management software should be run on a dedicated host to utilize the worker node resources fully. Running the control plane and worker nodes on the same system is sufficient if the system has enough CPU and Memory resources.

  • Control Plane/Management Node:
  • Number of Nodes: 1
  • CPU: 8 vCPUs
  • RAM: 16 GB+
  • Storage: 60 GB
  • Worker Node(s):
  • Number of Nodes: 1
  • CPU: 16 vCPUs
  • RAM: 64 GB+
  • GPUs: 1. See the list of supported GPUs.
  • Storage:
    • Local worker node storage 50 GB.
    • Shared storage 100GB or more. Additional storage is required for data, models, etc.
  • Network:
  • Internet connection
  • 1Gbps network between all nodes and the control plane

The following requirements are recommended for running a minimum production environment: The control plane/management software should be run on a dedicated host to utilize the worker node resources fully. A highly available control plane should be deployed to avoid service interruptions.

  • Control Plane/Management Node:
  • Number of Nodes: 2
  • CPU: 8 vCPUs
  • RAM: 16 GB+
  • Storage: 60 GB

  • Worker Node(s):

  • Number of Nodes: 3+
  • CPU: 8 vCPUs
  • RAM: 32 GB+
  • GPUs: 1+. See the list of supported GPUs.
  • Storage: 100 GB. Additional storage is required for data, models, etc.

  • Network:

  • Internet connection
  • 1Gbps network between all nodes and the control plane

Software Requirements


The following platforms and components are supported:

  • Kubernetes v1.28 or newer. Supported distributions are:
  • Vanilla Kubernetes
  • K3s
  • Container Runtimes:
  • Containers v1.7 or newer
  • CRI-O v1.28 or newer
  • Ingress Controller
  • K3s uses Traffic
  • A complete list of supported ingress controllers for Kubernetes can be found here.
  • A default storage class is set up in the cluster to dynamically create persistent volume claims.
  • To support the checkpoint feature, the storage class must be able to move a persistent volume from one node to another, such as NFS.
  • kubectl v1.28 or newer
  • helm v3.14 or newer

Operating System supports the following Operating Systems:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later running Kernel 5.15.x or newer

Web Browser (for the Management User Workspace UI):

Use any of the following web browsers to access the Browser User Interface:

  • Google Chrome (version 100 or later)
  • Mozilla Firefox (version 100 or later)
  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based, version 100 or later) Requirements: will reserve and limit the following resources:

  • Each project requires:
  • CPU: 0.3 vCPU (reserved/minimum), 5 vCPUs (maximum)
  • Memory: 500 MiB RAM (reserved/minimum), 3.5GiB (limit/maximum)

While may run on systems that do not meet these requirements, the performance and functionality may be impaired if there are insufficient CPU, GPU, or Memory resources available to run the software and workloads. For the best experience, we recommend meeting or exceeding the recommended specifications.