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Updating DNS

If your Management/Control Plane hostname or IP Address is not in a public DNS, you need to add an entry to your local system /etc/hosts file. Using the IP address will not work and report a "404 Not Found" error. This is due to the Traefik configuration applied during the installation of

Add an entry to /etc/hosts similar to the following. Use the Public IPv4 Address provided by AWS Console.  mvai-mgmt

The IP address of the Management node will change if the AWS EC2 instance is restarted or stopped. Consider one of the following options to assign a static IP address:

  • Utilize EC2's public DNS: If you're using an EC2 instance, you could use its auto-generated public DNS. This is free but changes when the instance is stopped and started.
  • Elastic IP: Assign an Elastic IP to your EC2 instance. While not free, it's a static IP that won't change, making it easier to manage DNS records externally.
  • Route 53: If you decide to use Route 53, understand that costs are relatively low for small-scale use.