MMBatch Management Server
The MMBatch Management Server functions as both an API server and a central point for metrics collection and global checkpoint configuration. Metrics from worker nodes are displayed in an interactive single-page application (SPA).
User can utilize existing AWS Cognito credentials to sign in MMBatch’s Management Server. For how to enable/disable Cognito as well as signing in, see here.
The MMBatch Management Server provides reporting for visibility of the spot reclaim protections as well as estimated time savings.
An example below -
The definitions of the metrics are -
Total Jobs - Total number of AWS Batch jobs submitted with MMBatch installed and enabled
Spot Protections - Total number of spot reclaim protection MMBatch provided
Total Job CPU Hours - Total number of CPU hours requested by all AWS Batch jobs submitted with MMBatch installed and enabled. It is based on CPU requested, not the actual CPU usage.
The CPU hours of an individual job is computed as follows:
The runtime of an individual job is computed as follows:
Total EC2 Instance Cost: Estimated total cost for all jobs.
EC2 Spot Savings - Instance Cost Saved: Estimated cost savings when restoring a job from a preempted spot instance, assuming each spot instance runs only one job.
EC2 Spot Savings - Job CPU Hours Saved: Estimated Job CPU Hours savings when restoring a job from a preempted spot instance, assuming each spot instance runs only one job.
EC2 On-demand Savings - Instance Cost Saved: Estimated savings when replacing on-demand instances with spot instances.
User can also see the AWS queues from MMBatch Management Server, including the number of jobs submitted.