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Issues Identified in MMCloud Goa 2.4 Release

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Excessive delay while logging in to OpCenter
    In earlier releases, the delay between entering login credentials and receiving a response from the MMCloud can, on rare occasions, be excessive (up to 40 seconds). Goa 2.4 release fixes this issue, but the user must reset their password for the fix to take effect.
  • Horizontal line showing maximum capacity (memory, CPU, or data volume) not visible after zooming in on chart
    Wavewatcher displays charts of real-time resource utilization. For memory, CPU, and data volume charts, a horizontal line shows the maximum possible utilization. If the x-axis is expanded past a certain magnification, the horizontal line disappears.
  • AppCapsule++ can fail because of OOM error even though OOM protection is enabled
    WaveRider has an option to enable OOM protection — the job migrates if swap space gets used. In some cases, AppCapsule++ causes the job to fail because of OOM errors even though OOM protection is enabled.
  • Under heavy load, the performance of the OpCenter's etcd database can degrade to unacceptable levels
    In prior releases, the OpCenter uses the etcd key-value database to store critical state and metadata needed to manage the distributed system of worker nodes. Under heavy load, the performance of etcd can become unacceptable. The Goa 2.4 release replaces etcd with boltdb to solve this issue. Upgrading an existing OpCenter to the Goa 2.4 release does not automatically migrate the etcd database to boltdb. Contact MemVerge support for assistance.
  • Writing large files to an S3 bucket can cause process to fail because of insufficient local cache
    When writing to an S3 bucket mounted as a file system, the container uses its local root volume as a cache. If the file is large, there may not be enough space on the root volume to cache the data being written. This causes the process to fail. The workaround is to increase the size of the container root volume to 80 GB from the default value of 40 GB.
  • Upgrading OpCenter software can invalidate license authorization token
    When a user applies the license to the OpCenter, the OpCenter stores an authorization token. Upgrading the OpCenter software can invalidate this token. The recommended procedure for upgrading to the Goa 2.4 release is the following.
    • Check that the OpCenter has a valid license by clicking on the license icon in the web interface (top, right-hand side of any screen) or entering float license info from the CLI. If there is a valid license, you see a license ID. If a license ID is not displayed, apply the license using the web interface or CLI.
    • Upgrade to the Goa 2.4 release
    • Check that the upgraded OpCenter has a valid license. Apply license if needed using the web interface or CLI.
    • If you see error code 196626 ("This machine code is already used by another user"), contact MemVerge support.