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Issues Identified in MMCloud Imperia 3.0 Release

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Checkpoint fails when Lustre file system contains ghost files.
  • AWS EC2 P2 family of instances are not supported.

    The P2 family uses the NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU which is an older GPU intended for gaming (released in 2014).

  • When a non-admin (non-root) user submits a job to an OpCenter in Google Cloud and the job mounts a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket as a data volume, files written to the data volume are owned by root instead of the non-admin user.

  • Job events log shows access key and secret key in clear text.

    If a job is submitted with credentials (access key and secret key) to mount, for example, an S3 bucket, the credentials are masked in messages echoed to the terminal and in the input arguments saved in the job record. For example:

    $ float show -j kzf7vxgg2uglkk4wtaryq

    inputArgs: -i blast -j <content> --tag latest -t c6i.8xlarge --dataVolume [accesskey=******,secret=******,,mode=rw]s3://mmclouds3testbucket/data:/data

    In the log associated with this job, the credentials are shown in clear text.

  • Jobs that are running (or suspended) when OpCenter is upgraded to Imperia 3.0 cannot migrate to new VMs.

    Recommended practice is to upgrade when there are no running or suspended jobs.