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Programmatic Job Migration

Initiate job migration by inserting the float migrate command into the job script.


Although not strictly required, most jobs are submitted with a job script that sets up the execution environment and tells the job scheduler what to do. Some jobs proceed in a series of stages, for example, an initial stage to read in a large dataset followed by a computationally-intensive stage. These two stages may repeat several times until the computation is complete. Then the results are written out to disk.

The resource requirements (CPU, memory, and storage) for each of these stages are different. A float migrate command can be inserted at each point where the job moves to a new stage with different resource requirements. In this manner, the job runs on a virtual machine that matches the requirements for the given stage.


The example shown here uses a simple shell program to demonstrate how to implement programmatic migration. In the example job script, the job migrates at an arbitrary point. In a real application, the job would migrate at the point where resources were expected to change.

The contents of the job script are as follows:

$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env bash
touch $LOG_FILE
exec >$LOG_FILE 2>&1
echo "Starting to execute shell script"
echo "Job migrates when count reaches 50"
for(( c=1; c<300; c++))
        if [[ $(($c % 3)) == 0 ]]; then
                echo "$c is a multiple of three"
                echo "$c is NOT a multiple of three" >&2
        if [[ $c == 50 ]]; then
                /opt/memverge/bin/float migrate -f --instType c5.2xlarge 
                echo "Job migration initiated, wait for a while"
                sleep 20s
        sleep 1s
echo "Job is complete"

The job runs on a centos9 image.

$ float submit -i centos9 -j ./ --instType c5.large --dataVolume [size=10]:/data

The output file shows where the job migration occurs.

$ float log tail --follow output -j 4BZXIxWu6L5ioCSqEMD63
Starting to execute shell script
Job migrates when count reaches 50
1 is NOT a multiple of three
50 is NOT a multiple of three
4BZXIxWu6L5ioCSqEMD63 on i-0027c7d62eaabafa6 is now migrating, please use squeue/show to monitor migration progress. Check logs for details
Job migration initiated, wait for a while
51 is a multiple of three
299 is NOT a multiple of three
Job is complete

The log file shows the events occurring when migrating the job from a c5.large instance to a c5.2xlarge instance.

$ float log cat -j 4BZXIxWu6L5ioCSqEMD63
2023-01-24T20:33:24.997727759Z: Ready to migrate with instance type: c5.2xlarge, cpu: 8, memory: 16, zone: us-east-1b, last instance type: c5.large(Spot)
2023-01-24T20:33:24.997929752Z: Ready to checkpoint host i-0027c7d62eaabafa6
2023-01-24T20:33:26.29553621Z: Checkpointed host i-0027c7d62eaabafa6, result: &{map[5ee5df78f592:]}, duration 1.297557077s
2023-01-24T20:33:26.515069329Z: Ready to reclaim host i-0027c7d62eaabafa6
2023-01-24T20:34:15.524359376Z: Ready to create new host to recover
2023-01-24T20:34:22.200051613Z: Reclaimed host i-0027c7d62eaabafa6
2023-01-24T20:35:55.597906896Z: Created new host: i-03fb670fbb577639e(Spot)
2023-01-24T20:35:55.694463545Z: Got 1 containers on host i-03fb670fbb577639e
2023-01-24T20:35:55.694528662Z: Ready to recover &{5ee5df78f592 false true} on host i-03fb670fbb577639e
2023-01-24T20:35:55.700293372Z: Job floated
2023-01-24T20:35:56.362953748Z: Migrated to new VM: i-03fb670fbb577639e