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Submitting a "Hello World" Job Using the Web Interface

The web interface provides a form that you complete to submit a job.


  1. Open the OpCenter web interface and click Submit Job in the left-hand panel.

  2. In the form that pops up, click the Start from Scratch tab and then click the Basic tab.

  3. Fill in the fields as follows.

    • Job Content
      • Image (required): Use the drop-down menu to select a container image to run your application, for example, cactus:latest.
      • Name (optional): Enter a name to identify your job, for example, HelloWorld. If left blank, the OpCenter creates a name for you.
    • Job Script: Enter a location to reach your job script, such as an S3 bucket or a URL, or click Enter Content to upload a file or paste commands into the window. Here is an example job script.

      echo "Congratulations! You have submitted your first job"
      for(( c=1; c<3; c++))
              if [[ $(($c % 3)) == 1 ]]; then
                      echo "Hello World!"
                      echo "Your next job will be more interesting"
                      sleep 20s
      echo "Job complete"


      Some containers have a built-in ENTRYPOINT, that is, a command that runs automatically when the container starts. These containers do not require a job script.

    • Instance: Select CPU & Memory, then choose, for example, 2 for vCPU (min) (required) and 4 for Memory (min GiB) (required).

    • Storage Volumes: Click Add and fill in the fields as follows.
      • In the first column of the table, use the drop-down menu to select Volume-New
      • Size (required): Enter a size in GB for the data volume, for example, 10.
      • Mount Point (required): Enter the mount point for the file system, for example, data.


    The right-hand panel shows the generated CLI command string.

  4. Click Submit at the bottom of the right-hand side.

  5. To view the status of the job you just submitted, click Jobs in the left-hand panel.

  6. Click the ID associated with your job and then go to the Attachments tab.

  7. Click the Preview icon next to the log named stdout.autosave to view the output of the example job.