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Deploying OpCenter in AWS

Before you begin

  • Contact your AWS administrator to obtain an AWS account with root privileges.
  • You must deploy the OpCenter in compliance with your organization's security policies. For more details, see the section on Securing MMCloud.


Complete all sub-steps in each of the following steps.

Create a key pair

  • Log in to your AWS Management console
  • From the navigation bar, click Services and select EC2.
  • On the right-hand side of the navigation bar of the EC2 Dashboard, check what region you are in.
    If you need to change regions, use the drop-down menu to select a new region.
  • From the left-hand panel of the EC2 Dashboard, go to Network & Security, and click Key Pairs.
    The Key Pairs panel shows the key pairs that are available. If you need to create a key pair, click the Create key pair button on the right-hand side and follow the instructions. A copy of the key pair file is automatically downloaded to your local machine.


The key pair is unique to a region. If you change regions, you must create a key pair for the new region.

Identify the Availability Zone in which each VPC subnet is located

  • Using the search tool in the navigation bar, find the VPC dashboard.
  • On the left-hand panel of the VPC dashboard, click Subnets.
    The Subnets console displays a table that shows each VPC subnet, the VPC the subnet is part of, and the Availability Zone in which the subnet resides.
  • Keep this browser tab open.
    You must retrieve information from this table later in the deployment procedure.

Locate Memory Machine Cloud in the AWS Marketplace

  • Log in to the AWS Management console.
  • Go the AWS Marketplace and select Discover products from the left-hand panel.
  • Search for Memory Machine Cloud.
  • Select Memory Machine Cloud by MemVerge Inc. and proceed to the next step.

Subscribe to Memory Machine Cloud

  • Click Continue to Subscribe.
  • If you agree to the terms and conditions, click Accept Terms, then click Continue to Configuration.
  • At the Configure this software screen, use the pull-down menu to select MMC Topology as the fulfillment option.
  • From the Software version pull-down menu, select the latest release.
  • From the Region pull-down menu, select the region in which to deploy the OpCenter.
  • Click Continue to Launch.
  • Under Choose Action, use the pull-down menu to select Launch CloudFormation.
  • Click Launch.
    You are now at the CloudFormation > Stacks > Create stack screen. The left-hand panel shows the four-step procedure for creating a new stack. You are at the first step.
  • Click Next.

Specify the CloudFormation stack details

  • Enter a unique stack name, using the allowed characters.
  • Fill in the required parameters as follows (seek guidance from your AWS administrator if needed).
    • 11OpCenterType: Accept the default (small) or use the pull-down menu to change the size of the VM to run OpCenter. PoC is the smallest VM.
    • 12CustomizedInstanceType: To override the selection in 11OpCenterType, enter the specific name of a compute instance (as long as it is based on x86 architecture). For example, enter m6i.4xlarge.
    • 13DiskType: Use the pull-down menu to select the type of EBS volume (default is gp3) created for the OpCenter's internal operations.
    • 14KeyName: Use the pull-down menu to select key pair name you created previously.
    • 21VpcId: Select a VPC from the pull-down menu. (All AWS accounts have a default VPC in each region. If only the default VPC is available, select that. If there are multiple VPCs, consult your AWS administrator for guidance.)
    • 22SubnetId: Select a VPC subnet from the pull-down menu. (Usually, VPC subnets are equivalent; consult your AWS administrator for guidance.)
    • 23AvailabilityZone: Go to the browser tab you opened earlier to determine the Availability Zone in which your VPC subnet resides. Then return here to use the pull-down menu to select the appropriate Availability Zone.
    • 31PublicService: Select True to assign a public IP address to the OpCenter.
    • 32ExternalAccessCidr: Provide the range of public IPv4 addresses allowed to access server. Enter the smallest range of addresses that includes the hosts that need to access the OpCenter over the public Internet. The range can be as small as a /32 CIDR block. To allow access from any address, enter (this is not recommended).
    • 33SshCidr: Provide the range of IP addresses allowed to access server using ssh. Enter the smallest range of addresses that includes the hosts that need ssh access to the OpCenter over the public Internet. The range can be as small as a /32 CIDR block. To allow access from any address, enter (this is not recommended).
    • 34AllowInternalAccess: Select True to allow worker nodes to communicate with each other using their private IP addresses.
  • Click Next.

Configure stack options

Keep the default options and click Next.


  • Check the box at the bottom of the page to acknowledge that you are aware CloudFormation may create IAM resources.
  • Click Create stack to proceed.
  • Wait until the process completes successfully.

Check your stack

  • Go to the CloudFormation > Stacks screen and select your stack.
  • From the CloudFormation > Stacks > "your_stack_name" screen, select the Resources tab.
  • Click Physical ID associated with mvOpCenter.
    This takes you to the Instances screen of the EC2 console.
  • Select the OpCenter instance.
    This screen displays OpCenter status as well as private and public IP addresses associated with the OpCenter.
  • If you are outside (inside) your organization's virtual private cloud, open a browser and go to the OpCenter public (private) IP address, respectively.
    If the OpCenter is running, the OpCenter web interface displays the version of OpCenter software installed.


The OpCenter requires access to AWS S3 services. If you deploy the OpCenter in a VPC other than the default VPC or if you deploy an OpCenter without a public IP address, make sure that the OpCenter has network connectivity to AWS S3 services, to the license server, and to the host you use to access the OpCenter.

What to do next

Go to Using the OpCenter Web Interface for instructions on how to log in, change passwords, add users, submit jobs, and so on.