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Using the MMCloud CLI


Select your method for invoking CLI commands.

Choose one of the following three methods.

  • Web CLI

    • Log in to the OpCenter web interface and open the Web CLI shell
      When you log in for the first time, enter username admin and default password memverge.
    • From any screen (except the Submit Job screen), click the terminal icon on the top, right-hand side to open the Web CLI shell.
      A subset of CLI commands is available via the web interface. Type -h to see what commands are supported.
    • Skip to the section titled Add a user.
  • CLI in terminal shell

    • On the OpCenter web interface landing page, locate Download command line tool for displayed at the bottom of the page on the right-hand side.
    • Click the link for your operating system (Windows, Linux, or macOS).
    • Use chmod to make the downloaded floatbinary executable and add path to the float binary to your PATH variable.


    From macOS 10.15 (Catalina) onwards, zsh is the default shell. In zsh, float is a reserved word.
    To use the MMCloud CLI with macOS, either:
    1. Change the shell to bash, or
    2. Alias the word float to the float binary, as follows:
    alias float = /path/to/float_binary/float

    Replace /path/to/float_binary/ with the path to where you placed the float binary.

  • Terminal session on OpCenter server

    Use ssh (with username mmc) to establish a secure terminal session on the OpCenter server. The float CLI is automatically installed on this server.


The Web CLI is a web interface that provides a float prompt, that is, every entry you type automatically has float pre-pended. The other two methods provide a terminal with a shell prompt — you must type float followed by subcommand and options.

Log in to the OpCenter as the admin user

Type the following command:

float login -u admin -p memverge -a <OpCenter_ip_address>

Replace <OpCenter_ip_address> with the OpCenter's private IP address if you are within your organization's virtual private cloud (VPC), or public IP address if you are outside the VPC.

Add a user

Type the following command:

float user add <user_name> --passwd <password> --group <group_name> --create

Replace <user_name>, <password>, and <group_name> with the user name, password, and group, respectively.

Repeat the command with different parameters to add other users.

Change the default password for the admin user

Typing the following command:

float user passwd admin --passwd <admin_password>

Replace <admin_password> with the new password for the admin user.

Upgrade to the latest OpCenter software release

  • From a terminal session (not the Web CLI), log in to the OpCenter as the admin user by typing the following:

float login -u admin -p <admin_password> -a <OpCenter_ip_address>

Replace <OpCenter_ip_address> with the OpCenter's private IP address if you are within your organization's virtual private cloud (VPC), or public IP address if you are outside the VPC.

  • To see what releases are available, type the following command:

float release ls

  • If there is a later release, upgrade by typing the following command:

float release upgrade -r <release_name>

Replace <release_name> with the latest release shown in the previous step (if you omit the -r option, the latest release is automatically selected). After the upgrade completes, log back in.

  • Synchronize the float version with the OpCenter version by typing the following command:

float release sync