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Deploying OpCenter in Google Cloud

Before you begin

  • Contact your Google Cloud administrator to obtain a Google Cloud account for you and to assign a project for your work.
  • You need specific IAM privileges to install . Ask your Google Cloud administrator to assign the Service Networking Admin role to the principal that identifies you.


  1. Log in to the Google Cloud Platform at

  2. From the Welcome page, use the pulldown menu on the navigation bar to select the project you are working in.

  3. From the navigation menu at the left of the navigation bar, select Marketplace.

  4. In the search bar in the middle of the page, type MemVerge

    The search returns one result called Memory Machine Cloud.

  5. Click anywhere inside the box displaying information about Memory Machine Cloud.

  6. Click Launch

    A page is displayed that shows the steps required to install using a Terraform template.

  7. Skip over the section titled Configure a service account (Optional) (do not click the CONFIGURE button).

  8. Skip over the section titled Configure gcloud.

  9. Skip over the section titled Review VM images.

  10. Click the Download button to get the Terraform module.

    A zip file with a name in this format is downloaded to your local machine.

  11. At the top, right-hand side of the navigation bar, click the Activate Cloud Shell icon.

    A Cloud shell terminal session opens in the bottom part of your browser window. Resize the terminal as needed.

    A message like the following is displayed.

    Welcome to Cloud Shell! Type "help" to get started.
    Your Cloud Platform project in this session is set to se-demo-350716.
    Use “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]” to change to a different project.

    The project ID shown here (se-demo-350716) is an example.

  12. In the Cloud shell terminal, go to the right hand side of the navigation bar, click the More icon (three dots), and then click Upload.

  13. In the pop-screen screen, click Choose Files to locate and select the terraform module (zip file) on your local machine, and then click UPLOAD.

    The file is uploaded to your home directory on the virtual machine running the Cloud shell terminal. Type ls to check that the file is there.

  14. Unzip the terraform module by entering the following.

    unzip *

    Check that the files are in your home directory by entering ls

  15. Edit the terraform.tfvars file (by typing vi terraform.tfvars, for example) to configure the project ID and a name for the instance as follows.

    mmc_project = "[PROJECT_ID]"
    mmc_name = "[OP_CENTER_NAME]"


    • [PROJECT_ID] with the project ID (for example, se-demo-350716)
    • [OP_CENTER_NAME] with the prefix for the instance name (for example, mytest). A string of the form "-opcenter-xxxxxx" is postpended to this prefix to form the instance name.
  16. Edit the following lines in terraform.tvars to deploy OpCenter in a new VPC.

    new_vpc = true
    vpc_name = "[VPC_NAME]"
    subnet _name ="[SUBNET_NAME]"

    Replace [VPC_NAME] and [SUBNET_NAME]. For example, vpc_name = "docsvpc" and subnet_name = "docssubnet"

  17. (Optional) Change any parameter values from their default values by editing the relevant entries in terraform.tfvars, for example,mmce_region.

  18. Initialize the terraform environment by entering the following.

    terraform init
    Initializing the backend...
    Initializing modules...
    Initializing provider plugins...
    Terraform has been successfully initialized!
    You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
    any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
    should now work.
    If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
    rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
    commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
  19. Apply the terraform module by entering the following.

    terraform apply
  20. Enter yes at the prompt.

    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
      Enter a value:
    Apply complete! Resources: 20 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    mmc_project = "se-demo-350716"
    opcenter_instance_name = "mytest-opcenter-5156db"
    opcenter_ip_addr = "a.b.c.d"
    opcenter_nfs_disk_name = "mytest-opcenter-5156db-nfs"
    opcenter_website = "https://a.b.c.d"
    vpc_name = "test-default"

    where a.b.c.d is a placeholder for the public IP address assigned to your instance.

  21. Wait a few minutes and then click the entry next to opcenter_website.

    A new browser window opens displaying the login screen for the web interface.

  22. To delete the instance, enter the following command.

    terraform destroy

Go to Using the OpCenter Web Interface for instructions on how to log in, change passwords, add users, submit jobs, etc.