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To deploy MMCloud, complete the following two steps (the order is not significant).

  • Obtain the license that enables you to use OpCenter.

    • To request a license, log in to the MMCloud portal (register first if you don't have an account).
    • Select the type of license and submit the form that is displayed.
  • Create and start an OpCenter instance.
    Each CSP has a procedure for provisioning a collection of resources as a single group. MMCloud provides a template that describes the resources you need. Use this template with the CSP-specific service that assembles and instantiates these resources. With AWS, for example, use the AWS CloudFormation service.

Once the OpCenter is running, you can upgrade the software without needing to re-provision CSP resources.

All interactions with the OpCenter use the OpCenter web interface or the MMCloud CLI.

OpCenter Web Interface

Open the OpCenter web interface by using a browser to go to the IP address associated with your OpCenter. Use the public (private) IP address if you are connecting from outside (inside) the VPC.


There are three ways to access the CLI:

  • Use the CLI shell provided by the OpCenter web interface.
  • Download the CLI binary and run it in a terminal window on your local machine.
  • Log in to the OpCenter server and run the CLI from a secure terminal session (not recommended).

Apply the OpCenter License

Using the Web Interface

Apply the OpCenter license using the web interface as follows.

  • Open a browser and go to the IP address associated with your OpCenter. Use the public (private) IP address if you are connecting from outside (inside) the VPC.
  • Log in to the OpCenter web interface with the username admin and default password memverge. You can change the admin password after you log in.
  • On the top, right-hand side of any screen (except the Submit Job screen), click on the license icon. Follow the instructions in the pop-up screen to apply your license.

Using the CLI

Apply the OpCenter license using the CLI as follows.

  • Log in to the OpCenter by entering the following (if you use the web CLI, skip this step - you are already logged in).
    float login -a <op_center_ip_address> -u admin -p memverge
    Replace <op_center_ip_address> with the public (if you are outside the VPC) or private (if you are inside the VPC) IP address of the OpCenter.
  • Apply the license by entering the following.
    float license acquire -A <portal_username> -P <portal_password>
    Replace <portal_username> and <portal_password> with your credentials for the MMCloud portal.

The remainder of this section provides detailed instructions for each of these steps. The tasks have steps that are CSP-specific. Look for the section that applies to your CSP.