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Allocating Elastic IP Address

In AWS terminology, a static IP address is called an Elastic IP address. To allocate an Elastic IP address and then associate it with an EC2 instance, complete the following steps.


AWS allows you to allocate an Elastic IP address from a pool of public IPv4 addresses controlled by AWS or from a pool of public IPv4 addresses that you provide (so-called BYOIP model). The steps that follow describe allocation from AWS's pool.

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.

  2. Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard and click Network & Security -> Elastic IPs in the left-hand column.

  3. At the top, right-hand side of the Elastic IP addresses table, click Allocate Elastic IP address.

  4. Keep the default settings and then click Allocate at the bottom, right-hand side of page.

  5. On the Elastic IP addresses table, select the Elastic IP address you created and then use the Actions drop-down menu to select Associate Elastic IP address.

  6. Check that Resource type -> Instance is selected, then, in the Instance box, select the Instance ID for your OpCenter.

  7. Click Associate on the bottom, right-hand side.

  8. Return to the EC2 Dashboard and click Instances -> Instances in the left-hand column.

  9. Click on the Instance ID associated with your OpCenter to confirm that the Elastic IP address is associated with your OpCenter.