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Changing the OpCenter's VM Instance

The OpCenter is the control point for MMCloud. If the volume of submitted jobs overloads the OpCenter, performance degrades - there can be delays in scheduling new jobs or changing the state of existing jobs. To alleviate a sustained overload, change the OpCenter's virtual machine to a more capable instance (more virtual CPUs and more memory).

To change the OpCenter's virtual machine instance in AWS, complete the following steps.


If the OpCenter uses a public IP address that is auto-assigned by AWS, the public IP address changes when the OpCenter virtual machine changes. To keep the same IP address, you must use a static public IP address. In AWS terminology, a static IP address is called an Elastic IP address.

  1. Log in to the MMCloud web interface. Cancel running jobs or wait for them to complete.

  2. Log in to the AWS Management Console.

  3. Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard and click Instances in the Resources table.

  4. Identify the OpCenter to change and click the Instance ID.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Elastic IP addresses section.

    If the instance does not have an associated Elastic IP address, changing the instance changes the public IP address. To configure the OpCenter with an Elastic IP address, go to Allocating Elastic IP Address and then return here.

    Continue to the next step.

  6. Scroll to the top of the page and use the Instance state drop-down menu to select Stop instance.

    It may take a few minutes to stop the instance. Wait until the instance state changes to Stopped.

  7. Use the Actions drop-down menu to select Instance settings -> Change instance type.

  8. In the New instance type box, select a new instance type.

  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Change.

  10. Return to the Instance state drop-down menu to select Start instance.

    It may take a few minutes to start the instance. Wait until the instance state changes to Running.

  11. Identify the Public IPv4 address of the new instance and click the open address link to check that OpCenter is running.