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Upgrading OpCenter

If a later version of OpCenter software is available, you can upgrade an OpCenter instance even if jobs are currently running.


Any jobs in a transitional state (initializing, floating, resuming, suspending, or capturing) block an upgrade. Either cancel those jobs or wait for those states to pass.

  1. Log in to OpCenter by entering the following command from a terminal:

    float login -u admin -p <admin_passwd> -a <OpCenter_ip_address>

    Replace <admin_passwd> with the admin password and <OpCenter_ip_address> with the OpCenter's private IP address if you are within your organization's virtual private cloud (VPC), or public IP address if you are outside the VPC.


    Only the admin user can upgrade software. Upgrades cannot be executed from the web CLI shell.

  2. To see what version of OpCenter software is currently running, enter the following command:

    float version
  3. To see what versions of OpCenter software are available, enter the following command:

    float release ls
  4. If a later version of the software is available, upgrade the OpCenter instance by entering the following command:

    float release upgrade --release <version>

    Replace <version> with the name of the OpCenter binary to install. If --release is omitted, the latest version of the software is selected.


    $ float release upgrade -r FLOAT_v2.5.0-b12f1d2-HalfMoonBay.bin
    Warning: There are running jobs in server, do you want to upgrade forcibly?
    Some jobs may fail if you do that!(yes/No): yes
    Warning: Are you sure you want to upgrade the system to (FLOAT_v2.5.0-b12f1d2-HalfMoonBay.bin)? (yes/No): yes
    OpCenter is now upgrading and will be online soon.
    Pause briefly and then log back in
  5. After executing a software upgrade, check that the upgrade succeeded by entering the following command:

    float version
  6. If the OpCenter upgrade is successful, upgrade float to the same version by entering the following command:

    $ sudo float release sync
    downloading ...
    the float binary is synced up with opcenter