Getting Started


To deploy and use Memory Machine CE, complete the following two tasks (the order is not significant). There are steps in each task that are different for each Cloud Service Provider (CSP).
  • Obtain and activate the license that enables you to use OpCenter.

    To request a license, go to the MemVerge license server and follow the on-line instructions. Each CSP has its own method of supporting BYOL (Bring Your Own License) subscriptions. For example, in AWS, use the AWS License Manager to accept and activate the license.

  • Create and start an OpCenter instance.

    Each CSP has a procedure for provisioning a collection of resources as a single group. MemVerge provides a template that describes the resources you need. Use this template with the CSP-specific service that assembles and instantiates these resources. With AWS, for example, use the AWS CloudFormation service.

    Once the OpCenter is running, the software can be upgraded without needing to re-provision CSP resources.

Anyone with login credentials on the OpCenter instance can submit jobs. The OpCenter supports a web interface that can be used to submit, manage, and view jobs. The OpCenter also supports a CLI that provides the same functions. There are three ways to access the CLI:
  • Use the CLI console provided by the OpCenter web interface.
  • Download the CLI binary and run it in a terminal window on your local computer.
  • Log in to the OpCenter server and run the CLI in a secure terminal session.
The following sections provide detailed instructions for these tasks. The tasks have steps that are CSP-specific. Look for the section that applies to your CSP.