Copying a Snapshot to the Same Host

Export a snapshot, then restore it to the same host. For example, if you need to reinstall Memory Machine, you can export the snapshot, reinstall, and then import the snapshot and run the process where it left off.


  1. Use the command as follows:
    # mvmmcli snapshot export -l|--label snap-label 
    where snap-label is the unique label of the snapshot.
    For example:
    # mvmcli snapshot export -l redis-server_28064_20200622231643
    Snapshot redis-server_28064_20200622231643 has been successfully exported

    The snapshot is saved to the MemVerge data directory. See The Memory Machine Configuration File and Installing the Data Service in Installing MemVerge Memory Machine.

  2. To replace the snapshot, use the import subcommand.
    Note: If you reinstall Memory Machine and specify the same data directory, the installer asks you whether to delete that directory. Do not allow the directory to be deleted without first copying out any exported snapshots that you want to save.
    mvmcli snapshot import -l redis-server_28064_20200622231643