The Cluster Snapshot Command

View the Cluster Snapshot subcommands and options by typing mvmcli cluster.

# mvmcli cluster
mvmcli cluster must have a subcommand
mvmcli cluster SUBCOMMAND [options]
    register      register cluster configuration
    rm            delete cluster configuration
    snapcreate    create snapshots
    snaprestore   restore snapshots
    snapdelete    delete snapshots
    list          list clusters
    -n|--name=name              cluster name.
    -l|--label=label            label of the snapshot. Must follow the POSIX file name
    -p|--primary=primary        primary coordinator.
    -t|--timeout=seconds        timeout for the command.
    -P|--profile=profile        cluster profile.
                                    valid profile:
    -c|--contact_member=addr    address of the cluster member that mvmcli
                                should contact.
    -C|--coordinators=addr      comma-separated list of node coordinator addresses.
    -m|--members                list all members of cluster snapshots.
      |--list-coordinator       list all coordinators of the cluster.
    -a|--all                    list all information about the cluster.
      |--co-config-path=path    path to the YAML file containing a list of
                                coordinator addresses.
                                ('--co-config-path' and '-C' option can be
                                used at the same time)
    -f|--force                  force delete snapshot; available for snapdelete subcommand only.
      |--nopause                EXPERIMENTAL - Create a cluster snapshot
                                without pausing the cluster.
Note: Cluster snapshot commands are not accessible from the Memory Machine Dashboard; they are available only in the mvmcli CLI command.