Choosing a Memory Machine Database

Two database systems are available in Memory Machine to store operational information. You must choose one when you install Memory Machine.

The available database systems are:

If you choose Local, M3C installs BoltDB on the Management Service host. BoltDB is a file-based system; the default database file path is /var/memverge/data/mmctl@hostname.boltdb, where hostname is the management server host name.

The BoltDB local database is installed automatically by M3C and requires no configuration. Since this database is local, latency is low.

The primary disadvantage of the BoltDB local database is that it represents a single point of failure; if installed on a local filesystem the database cannot be accessed in case of host failure. MemVerge recommends putting the local database in a shared folder on a remotely mounted file system that is accessible by primary and backup management servers.

etcd v3
The etcd database supports high availability (HA). It also supports certificate-based or password authentication and authorization. The etcd v3 database is "cloud native" and can be containerized using Kubernetes or OpenShift.
The etcd database relies on network communication and is therefore relatively slow compared to a local database. It requires three hosts to install in a production environment. It also requires some expertise to cofigure manually.