Viewing and Searching Logs

All Memory Machine Services and all application instances under management write to log files.

About this task

You can view any Memory Machine log file using the Logs Console. See The Logs Console for a view of the console.


  1. Choose the Logs Console from the Console Selector.
  2. From the Host Selector Dropdown, choose the host on which you want to examine the log files. You can choose the M3C host or any data host under management.
    Note: If you have the Management Service and a Data Service running on the same host, choose M3C for Management Service log files and the data host name or IP address for Data Service log files.
  3. View a log file or search all the files on the selected host.
    • To view a log file, click the log file name.
    • To search the contents of all the log files on the chosen host, type a string in the Log Search Text Box, then press Enter.
    For a list of log files with descriptions, see Viewing Logs.