Capturing a Snapshot of a Redis Server in the CLI

Before you begin

Use ssh to log onto the server using a privileged account (this example uses the root account).

Start a Redis server as described in Starting a Redis Server.


  1. Determine the PID of the Redis server:
    $ ps -elf | grep redis-server | grep -v grep
    4 S root     21226     1  0  80   0 - 41302498 do_epo 09:35 ?     00:00:22 redis-server *:6385
  2. Capture the snapshot:
    $ mvmcli snapshot create  -p 21226  -l redis-server-1
    Dumping finished successfully
    Snapshot redis-server-1_20200528150207 created in 2872.97 ms, application frozen for 130.28ms.
    The snapshot appears in the snapshot list (as the only snapshot, if this is the first time you've run the example).
  3. List the snapshot data directory:
    $ mvmcli snapshot list
    PID    User      Date Started              Command
    21114  root      Sun May 17 18:15:50 2020  /root/redis-5.0.7/src/redis-server *:6380
    Snapshots:       Date Created              Status      Label
                     Sun May 17 18:25:54 2020  Persisted   redis-test-1_20200528150207