Deleting Cluster Snapshots

Delete a cluster snapshot using the mvmcli cluster snapdelete command on the Primary Coordinator host.

Before you begin

Have one or more unwanted cluster snapshot on the Primary Coordinator host.


  1. List the cluster snapshots using the mvmcli cluster list command on the Primary Coordinator host. For example:
    # mvmcli cluster list
    Name                Profile     Cluster Contact Member   Create Time
    hz-cluster-1        hazelcast           Tue Dec  1 16:09:15 2020
    Snapshots:               Status         Label               Create Time
                                            hz1-snap01          Tue Dec  1 16:32:05 2020
                                            hz1-snap02          Tue Dec  1 16:58:52 2020
  2. Supply the cluster name and the cluster snapshot label to the mvmcli cluster snapdelete command to delete a cluster snapshot. For example:
    # mvmcli cluster snapdelete --name=hz-cluster-1 --label=hz1-snap02