M3C CLI Command Summary

Use the m3cli command to duplicate the setup and licensing functions of Memory Machine Management Center without opening M3C.


Use the m3cli security command to set up and view security settings. The command has three subcommands. Using the command without a subcommand lists the subcommands and options.




Option Definition


List current security information


Set local (OS-based) security settings

--usr username

Linux user name.

--pwd password

User password.

--group admingroup

Linux admin group to be given permission.


Set security settings with LDAP

--addr addr:port

Server address.


Use TLS.


Allow anonymous login.

--peopleOU unit-name

People organizational unit.

--base entry-name

Base name.

--groupOU unit-name

Group organizational unit.

--network tcp/udp

Network protocol.

--group group-name

LDAP admin group description.

  • Show current security information:
    $ m3cli security info
        uselocal: true
        useldap: false
          admingroup: root
          usr: "" 
          pwd: ""
        ldapconfig: null
    initialized: true 
  • Configure security settings to use local authentication:
    $ m3cli security adopt-linux --usr root --pwd memverge --group root 
  • Configure security settings with LDAP:
    $ m3cli security adopt-ldap --addr hainan:636 --useTLS --anonymous --peopleOU People --base
      "dc=memverge,dc=com" --groupOU Group --network tcp --group wheel3. 


Use the m3cli login command to log into M3C.

The user information and token are cached for subsequent commands until you issue the logout command.
Usage Option Option Definition
Log in using the specified user credentials -a, address The URL of M3C in the format https://ip_address:port
-u, username The user name.
-p, password The user password.
-t, token An access token that can be used to retrieve a new token.


  • Log into a host with user name and password:
    $ m3cli login -a <m3c_address> -u <username> -p <password>
  • Log into the default M3C address with a token:
    $ m3cli login -t <token>


Use the m3cli host command to manage hosts.
Subcommands Usage Option Option Definition
list List hosts managed by M3C.

-v, verbose Display all properties.
recover Recover a host. -s host1 -g host2

Name or OID of host to recover followed by name or OID of the new host.


  • List hosts with verbose information
    m3cli host list -v
  • Recover host1 to host2:

    $ m3cli host recover -s <source_host_name> -g <target_host_name>


Use the m3cli snapshot command to capture and manage snapshots.

Subcommands Usage Option Option Definition Required
list List snapshots

-o, host

Name or OID of the host to list.

-i, instance

Name or OID of the instance to list.

-l, localhost

Name or OID of the current host to list.

-s, snapshot

Name or OID of the snapshot to list.

-v, verbose

Display all snapshot properties.


  • List instance snapshot by name:

    $ m3cli snapshot list -i <instance name>
  • List instance snapshot by OID:
    $ m3cli snapshot list -i <instance oid>
  • List host snapshot by name:
    $ m3cli snapshot list -o <instance name>


Use the m3cli license command to view and upload license files. The command has two subcommands. Using the command without a subcommand lists the subcommands and options.




Option Definition
list List licenses
upload Upload a license file file path


Path to the license file on your local client.

Overwrite the existing license.


  • Upload a license:
    $ m3cli license upload mock/licenses/aws_spoton.lic
  • Upload a license with the --force option:
    $ m3cli license upload mock/licenses/aws_spoton.lic --force
      id: license=memverge-spoton-aws
      name: memverge-spoton (on-demand) memverge-spoton-aws
    status: valid
    customer: memverge-spoton
    id: memverge-spoton-aws
    type: on-demand
    capacitylimit: unlimited
    capacityused: 0
    capacityusedpct: 0
    expiredate: 1672452850
    issuedate: 1616030945
    startdate: 0
    version: "2.0"
    features: 63