Examples: Resizing DRAM Tier for KVM

Following are some examples of resizing DRAM tier and switching HugePages on and off. You can follow the examples using a VM on your own system by typing the commands shown.

Enable the DRAM Tier

The VM is started using the following application configuration file:

DpmeSocketName: /tmp/dpme_daemon.0
MmapCapture: true
MallocCapture: true
LogName: /var/log/memverge/kvm.log
CommPort: 5678
EnableSnapshot: false
DramTierGB: 0
HugePageDram: false

The DRAM tier is disabled, as specified in the file:

# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 47946
This instance is using 36.73 MiB DRAM, 1594.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
DRAM Tier is not enabled.

Resize the DRAM tier to 2 GB with HugePages:

# mvmcli dram resize -s 2048 -p 47946 -g true
DRAM tier is resized to 2048 MB using huge page on process 47946
# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 47946
This instance is using 36.73 MiB DRAM, 1660.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
Configured DRAM tier size (MiB): 2048.00
Allocated DRAM size (MiB): 256.00
Mapped DRAM size (MiB) : 0.00
Use HugePages: Yes

Disable the DRAM Tier

The VM starts with DRAM tier set to 4 GB and HugePages on:

# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 47946
This instance is using 1628.68 MiB DRAM, 0.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
Configured DRAM tier size (MiB): 4096.00
Allocated DRAM size (MiB): 1792.00
Mapped DRAM size (MiB) : 1592.00
Use HugePages: Yes

Disable the DRAM tier:

# mvmcli dram resize -s 0 -p 47946
DRAM tier is disabled on process 47946
# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 47946
This instance is using 36.73 MiB DRAM, 1594.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
DRAM Tier is not enabled.

Expand the DRAM Tier

The VM starts with DRAM set to 4 GB with HugePages on. All DRAM tier is in use (mapped DRAM size is 4096):

# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 41076
This instance is using 4133.02 MiB DRAM, 492.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
Configured DRAM tier size (MiB): 4096.00
Allocated DRAM size (MiB): 4096.00
Mapped DRAM size (MiB) : 4096.00 
Use HugePages: Yes

Resize the DRAM tier to 8 GB:

# mvmcli dram resize -s 8192 -p 41076
DRAM tier is resized to 8192 MB using huge page on process 41076
# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 41076
This instance is using 8229.02 MiB DRAM, 1408.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
Configured DRAM tier size (MiB): 8192.00
Allocated DRAM size (MiB): 8192.00
Mapped DRAM size (MiB) : 8192.00
Use HugePages: Yes

Shrink the DRAM Tier

The VM starts with DRAM set to 8GB with HugePages on:

# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 49503
This instance is using 7592.94 MiB DRAM, 0.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
Configured DRAM tier size (MiB): 8192.00    DRAM tier is 8G
Allocated DRAM size (MiB): 7680.00
Mapped DRAM size (MiB) : 7554.00
Use HugePages: Yes

Resize the DRAM tier to 4 GB:

# mvmcli dram resize -s 4096 -p 49503
DRAM tier is resized to 4096 MB using huge page on process 49503
# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 49503
This instance is using 4136.96 MiB DRAM, 3466.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
Configured DRAM tier size (MiB): 4096.00   DRAM tier is to 4G, some memory goes to PMEM
Allocated DRAM size (MiB): 4096.00
Mapped DRAM size (MiB) : 4096.00
Use HugePages: Yes

The DRAM tier is reduced to 4 GB. HugePages are still in use.