Running a VM on Memory Machine

Start a VM under Memory Machine management and monitor its resource usage and performance.


  1. Run the virtual machine.
    # virsh start vm-name
    where vm-name is the name of the VM.
    The VM starts up under Memory Machine management.
  2. Optional: Show the running VM from the KVM.
    ~]# virsh list 
     Id    Name                           State
     68    vm-name                         running
  3. Use the mvmcli snapshot list command to view processes running on Memory Machine. Note the process ID of the KVM instance.
    ~]# mvmcli snapshot list
    NSID        PID     User     Date Started              Command
    4026531836  41076   qemu     Thu Dec 10 16:55:11 2020  /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name guest=test-vm,……
    Snapshots:       None
  4. Show the VM's memory usage by specifying the process ID to the mvmcli show-usage command.
    ~]# mvmcli show-usage -v -p 41076
    This instance is using 1699.01 MiB DRAM, 0.00 MiB PMEM for current execution and 0.00 MiB PMEM for snapshots
    Configured DRAM iter size (MiB): 4096.00
    Allocated DRAM size (MiB): 1792.00
    Mapped DRAM size (MiB) : 1662.00
    Use HugePages: Yes