Creating a Cluster Using Memory Machine Management Center

Use the Applications Console to create a Hazelcast cluster.

About this task

To create a Hazelcast cluster:


  1. In the Applications Console, click the Create Cluster Icon in the Application List.
  2. In the Create Application Cluster Dialog, complete the following fields:
    Contact Member
    The URL of a cluster member on the primary host. Use HTTPS:// if TLS is enabled, otherwise HTTP://.
    Cluster Name
    The name you assigned the cluster in the hazelcast.xml file.
    The cluster password configured in hazelcast.xml.
  3. Optional: To use TLS for authentication:
    1. Click the TLS Authentication toggle to expand the TLS options.
    2. Complete the TLS Authentication fields. If mutual authentication is active for your cluster, you must complete all three fields. Otherwise, only Certificate chain is required.
      Private Key
      The file path to the client's private key on the primary host.
      The file path to the client's certificate on the primary host.
      Certificate chain
      The file path to the cluster certificate chain.
  4. Click Create.